Home > Leagues > Burkina Faso League > AS Douanes Ouagadougou vs ASF Bolo Dioulasso

AS Douanes Ouagadougou

2 5 I: -0.75 / 2.25 / -

1 - 1


ASF Bolo Dioulasso

2021/04/11 02:16 2 1

AS Douanes Ouagadougou vs ASF Bolo Dioulasso History

FT Burkina Faso League

ASF Bolo Dioulasso

2020/11/11 23:31



AS Douanes Ouagadougou

I: -0.25 / 1.75 / -

AS Douanes Ouagadougou History

FT Burkina Faso League


2021/04/03 00:02



AS Douanes Ouagadougou

I: -0.5 / 2.0 / -

FT Burkina Faso League

AS Douanes Ouagadougou

2021/03/27 02:15



AS Police Ouagadougou

I: -0.5 / 1.75 / -

FT Burkina Faso League

Etoile Filante Ouagadougou

2021/03/22 02:14



AS Douanes Ouagadougou

I: 0.0 / 2.25 / -

FT Burkina Faso League

AS Douanes Ouagadougou

2021/03/19 00:03



Leopard St Camille

I: -0.5 / 2.0 / -

FT Burkina Faso League

ASEC Koudougou

2021/03/13 23:59



AS Douanes Ouagadougou

I: +0.25 / 2.25 / -

ASF Bolo Dioulasso History

FT Burkina Faso League

ASF Bolo Dioulasso

2021/04/03 23:59



ASEC Koudougou

I: +0.25 / 2.0 / -

FT Burkina Faso League

US Forces Armees

2021/03/07 23:59



ASF Bolo Dioulasso

I: -0.75 / 2.0 / -

FT Burkina Faso League

ASF Bolo Dioulasso

2021/02/28 00:00



RC Bobo Dioulasso

I: 0.0 / 1.75 / -

FT Burkina Faso League

ASF Bolo Dioulasso

2020/12/20 23:32



US Forces Armees

I: +0.25 / 2.0 / -

FT Burkina Faso League

ASF Bolo Dioulasso

2020/12/13 23:31



Royal FC

I: -0.5 / 2.25 / -

More Information

The match of AS Douanes Ouagadougou vs ASF Bolo Dioulasso in Burkina Faso League is started at 2021-4-11 02:16. For this match, the initial Asian Handicap is AS Douanes Ouagadougou-0.75; The initial Goals Odds is 2.25. Totally, AS Douanes Ouagadougou and ASF Bolo Dioulasso fought for 1 times before. Over Goals occurred for 1 times and Over Corners occurred for 0 times. AS Douanes Ouagadougou got 1 win, 0 draw and 0 lost with 4 Goals For and 1 Goals Against.

For the last 10 matches, AS Douanes Ouagadougou got 6 win, 4 lost and 0 draw with 14 Goals Gor and 11 Goals Against. The average of Goals For is 1.4 per match and the average of Goals Against is 1.1 per match. The rate of Over Goals is 90%; The rate of Handicap Win is 60%; The rate of win is 60%; The average of corners is 5.9 per match and the rate of Over Corners is 100%.

For the last 10 matches, ASF Bolo Dioulasso got 3 win, 4 lost and 3 draw with 8 Goals Gor and 11 Goals Against. The average of Goals For is 0.8 per match and the average of Goals Against is 1.1 per match. The rate of Over Goals is 100%; The rate of Handicap Win is 40%; The rate of win is 30%; The average of corners is 5.2 per match and the rate of Over Corners is -.

Except the history stats of AS Douanes Ouagadougou vs ASF Bolo Dioulasso, ScoreBing also offers predictions and lineups of AS Douanes Ouagadougou vs ASF Bolo Dioulasso, that may help you predict or replay the match.