Home > Leagues > Montenegro U19 League > FK Mornar Bar U19 vs FK Decic Tuzi U19

FK Mornar Bar U19

2 2 I: 0.0,+0.5 / 3.0 / -

0 - 3


FK Decic Tuzi U19

2020/08/31 10:57 5 1
More Information

The match of FK Mornar Bar U19 vs FK Decic Tuzi U19 in Montenegro U19 League is started at 2020-8-31 22:57. For this match, the initial Asian Handicap is FK Mornar Bar U190.0,+0.5; The initial Goals Odds is 3.0.

Except the history stats of FK Mornar Bar U19 vs FK Decic Tuzi U19, ScoreBing also offers predictions and lineups of FK Mornar Bar U19 vs FK Decic Tuzi U19, that may help you predict or replay the match.