Home > Leagues > Campeonato Paranaense U19 > Parana Clube U19 vs Iraty SC U19

Parana Clube U19

2 6 I: -2.0,-2.5 / 4.0,4.5 / 8.5

5 - 1


Iraty SC U19

2017/10/12 02:34 3 1

Parana Clube U19 History

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Parana Clube U19

2017/09/07 02:33



AC Paranavai U19

I: -0.5,-1.0 / 3.0,3.5 / -

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Parana Clube U19

2017/08/18 21:31



Portuguesa Londrinense U19

I: -1.5,-2.0 / 3.5 / 10

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Parana Clube U19

2017/08/06 02:34



Campo Mourao U19

I: -2.0,-2.5 / 4.0 / -

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Rio Branco AC U19

2017/08/01 21:36



Parana Clube U19

I: +1.5 / 3.0,3.5 / 9

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Parana Clube U19

2017/07/23 02:01



Independente Futebol Sao Joseense U19

I: -2.0,-2.5 / 3.0,3.5 / -

Iraty SC U19 History

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Coritiba U19

2017/09/02 02:29



Iraty SC U19

I: -3 / 4.0,4.5 / -

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Andraus Brasil U19

2017/08/21 21:58



Iraty SC U19

I: +0.5,+1.0 / 3.5,4.0 / -

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Junior Team U19

2016/11/27 01:57



Iraty SC U19

I: +0.5,+1.0 / 2.5,3.0 / -

FT Campeonato Paranaense U19

Atletico Paranaense U19

2016/11/06 01:56



Iraty SC U19

I: -0.5 / 2.5,3.0 / -

More Information

The match of Parana Clube U19 vs Iraty SC U19 in Campeonato Paranaense U19 is started at 2017-10-12 02:34. For this match, the initial Asian Handicap is Parana Clube U19-2.0,-2.5; The initial Goals Odds is 4.0,4.5; The initial Corner Odds is 8.5.

For the last 10 matches, Parana Clube U19 got 7 win, 0 lost and 3 draw with 29 Goals Gor and 5 Goals Against. The average of Goals For is 2.9 per match and the average of Goals Against is 0.5 per match. The rate of Over Goals is 70%; The rate of Handicap Win is 70%; The rate of win is 70%; The average of corners is 5.5 per match and the rate of Over Corners is 33%.

For the last 4 matches, Iraty SC U19 got 0 win, 2 lost and 2 draw with 3 Goals Gor and 8 Goals Against. The average of Goals For is 0.8 per match and the average of Goals Against is 2 per match. The rate of Over Goals is 25%; The rate of Handicap Win is 50%; The rate of win is -; The average of corners is 2.3 per match and the rate of Over Corners is -.

Except the history stats of Parana Clube U19 vs Iraty SC U19, ScoreBing also offers predictions and lineups of Parana Clube U19 vs Iraty SC U19, that may help you predict or replay the match.