Home > Leagues > Macedonia Prva Reserve League > Rabotnicki Skopje B vs Teteks B

Rabotnicki Skopje B

I: -1.0,-1.5 / 2.5,3.0 / -

6 - 2


Teteks B

2015/11/10 20:00 2

Rabotnicki Skopje B History

FT Macedonia Prva Reserve League

Rabotnicki Skopje B

2015/03/24 21:02



Pelister Bitola B

I: -0.5,-1.0 / 2.5 / -

More Information

The match of Rabotnicki Skopje B vs Teteks B in Macedonia Prva Reserve League is started at 2015-11-10 20:00. For this match, the initial Asian Handicap is Rabotnicki Skopje B-1.0,-1.5; The initial Goals Odds is 2.5,3.0.

For the last 1 matches, Rabotnicki Skopje B got 0 win, 0 lost and 1 draw with 1 Goals Gor and 1 Goals Against. The average of Goals For is 1 per match and the average of Goals Against is 1 per match. The rate of Over Goals is 100%; The rate of Handicap Win is -; The rate of win is -; The average of corners is 5 per match and the rate of Over Corners is -.

Except the history stats of Rabotnicki Skopje B vs Teteks B, ScoreBing also offers predictions and lineups of Rabotnicki Skopje B vs Teteks B, that may help you predict or replay the match.