Home > Leagues > Russia Cup > Spartak Moscow vs PFC Kuban
- 93' - Substitution - Prutsev for Umiarov (Spartak Moscow)
- Score After Full Time - 6-1
- Second Half Injury Time: 2 Mins
- 89' - 5th Yellow Card - (PFC Kuban)
- 86' - 7th Goal - Nicholson (Spartak Moscow)
- 86' - Substitution - Denisov for Martins Pereira (Spartak Moscow)
- 85' - 4th Yellow Card - (Spartak Moscow)
- 83' - 6th Goal - Larsson (Spartak Moscow)
- 0:0进球数70:00 - 79:59
- 2:2角球数70:00 - 79:59
- 80' - Substitution - Chernov for Dzhikija (Spartak Moscow)
- 76' - Race to 5 Corners - Spartak Moscow
- 76' - 8th Corner - Spartak Moscow
- 71' - Substitution - Ignatov for Bakaev (Spartak Moscow)
- 71' - Substitution - Larsson for Promes (Spartak Moscow)
- 73' - 7th Corner - PFC Kuban
- 72' - 6th Corner - Spartak Moscow
- 71' - 5th Corner - PFC Kuban
- 1:0 Goals 60:00 - 69:59
- 1:0 Corners 60:00 - 69:59
- 68' - Race to 3 Corners - Spartak Moscow
- 68' - 4th Corner - Spartak Moscow
- 62' - 5th Goal - Nicholson (Spartak Moscow)
- 61' - 3rd Yellow Card - (PFC Kuban)
- 0:1 Goals 50:00 - 59:59
- 1:0 Corners 50:00 - 59:59
- 55' - 4th Goal - (PFC Kuban)
- 51' - 3rd Corner - Spartak Moscow
- 0:0 Goals 40:00 - 49:59
- 1:1 Corners 40:00 - 49:59
- 49' - 2nd Corner - PFC Kuban
- 47' - 2nd Yellow Card - Khlusevich (Spartak Moscow)
- Score After First Half - 3-0
- 45+2' - 1st Corner - Spartak Moscow
- First Half Injury Time: 2 Mins
- 0:0 Goals 30:00 - 39:59
- 0:0 Corners 30:00 - 39:59
- 37' - 1st Yellow Card - (PFC Kuban)
- 0:0 Goals 20:00 - 29:59
- 0:0 Corners 20:00 - 29:59
- 21' - 4th Goal - (Spartak Moscow) (进球取消)
- 2:0 Goals 10:00 - 19:59
- 0:0 Corners 10:00 - 19:59
- 20' - 3rd Goal - Nicholson (Spartak Moscow)
- 17' - 2nd Goal - Promes (Spartak Moscow)
- 1:0 Goals 00:00 - 09:59
- 0:0 Corners 00:00 - 09:59
- 6' - 1st Goal - Promes (Spartak Moscow)
- Pitch: GOOD
- Weather: GOOD